Saturday, September 02, 2006

The story so far

One of my objectives for last weekend was to put up some posters advertising my new storytelling project. I'm looking for people to tell me stories about a particular bar, with which i have had a long and meaningful relationship.
So, off i go, posters at the ready, camera in hand; to the big city.
I completely bottled it. I went home, not having visited any of the carefully picked destinations on my itinerary. When it came down to it, i was really scared that once i start this, i'm going to have to do it. And although i think this is a great idea, i was immobilised with fear. The gremlin of self -doubt was muttering in my ear.
I tried not to berate myself further and went to see SOAP, going for a drink afterwards. Looking down the pub to my left, i saw two guys who had been practically permanent fixtures in the bar in question. It was like something from a film. A perfect segue in the plot. I didn't even know their names, but i remembered their faces. One of them was bursting to tell me his story, but i managed to persuade him to save it.
I love it when an idea has a life of it's own, then you know you're on to something.


Anonymous said...

Hi Nina -

I like this idea. It reminds me of a book I read in high school, called La Colmena (The Beehive). It followed all these people's lives as they intersected at a bar.

Anyway, good luck!

Becca (from becca's blog)

Joanne Hartley said...

wow! what a coincidence! serendipity! brilliant

City Slicker said...

Brilliant idea. I can see a film in the works...just please no more Scarlet Johannnen she is really starting to pi^s me off! Keep up the fun blog!

nina chadwick said...

Thanks Becca, I will try and read that.

nina chadwick said...

No Scarlet, I promise!