Thursday, May 03, 2007


I've scraped a MASSIVE dent in the side of my car.
I keep eating a whole packet of fig rolls in one go
and my storytelling project is due to be installed in eleven days time.
It's going to be an archive in progress, that is, it will be all the stories so far on a listening post (possibly with music). I'm expecting that more people will want to tell stories once they've heard the one's i've got so far. I want people to know that any story they want to tell is a good one. I'm interested in all of it, every seemingly trivial little bit, that for some reason lodges in your head. It's really frustrating sometimes when i ask people if they will contribute and they start telling me their story but they think it has to be something else or more, and i want to just whip out a mic and say, "thanks, that was it!"
It's a delicate process of negotiation you know: but it's a great feeling once you get it down on tape. It makes me feel high, like i've managed to slow down time or change it's pace. I'm an archivist. I need to put things in boxes. It's like blogging: it's the new photography.


*snake*bite* said...

I like photography so am open to a new style!

Short stories is a great way to open peoples minds to the everyday life of many other people other than their close circle of friends.
It is also a great way to vent.

Feeling high?!?!?! - Nice!!!


*snake*bite* said...

Forgot to add - when you say you are a box person do you mean literally cos i am both physically and mentally - just not judgemental which really helps.
